Thursday, August 15, 2013

the ending of camp

Hello fine blog-reading folk. I thought as a part of my processing these final days of camp, I would write about them here, for you to read as well.

I suppose I'll make a list, because it helps me organize my thoughts.

1. Thursday was the last day of camp. It was surreal. It was the last day of campers, the day of scrambling to package DVD's and say goodbye to campers. The last week was what I believe to be my most successful week as videographer. I was able to produce the week's video (which was overall better than previous weeks), along with a new video every day to accompany the week's theme, Mission Possible. By the end of the week, I was incredibly sad, but also incredibly proud of myself.

2. It is a very strange thing to go from seeing and talking to someone all day, every day, to not seeing them at all. That has been the most difficult part of camp ending so far. When you see a friend around camp all of the time, and then suddenly they leave, it's just weird. I don't know how to explain it, but it's still proved difficult to just "get over"

3. I'm nervous and excited to go home and to school. I love love love camp, and this community of love. I also know that this type of community doesn't exist outside of camp. I also want to live differently. I don't want to go home and go back to being the same person I was before I got here. This summer I have changed, and I have grown. I want to take that with me when I leave (tomorrow, ?!?!?!).

4. 8 weeks has never felt so long, and so short, all at the same time. It's strange to think that these relationships are only 8 weeks (some even less) old. It's strange to think back, and it feels like forever ago, but in reality it was only last weekend that we did that cool thing.

5. I'm glad I didn't hesitate this summer to do crazy things. Okay, I guess I did, but I'm immensely grateful for all of the people who pushed me to do more. Like sleeping outside next to a fire, "sleeping" on the tramp, building my own fire, kayaking in real water, rock climbing, cave diving, pig troughing, staying up all night, living in a woodshed, oh the list goes on and on.

6. I miss everyone. I miss everyone so much. Camp isn't camp when no one is here.

7. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. I know that my time at BBC isn't finished. I know that some of these relationships will last, and some won't. And that's okay.

8. Uh....this post is in-progress! to be finished at a later date. Now, back to work on the staff video :)


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