Monday, September 30, 2013

it's a monday

\\ important things to remember \\

1.  || Stop trying to be like e v e r y o n e else || 
[What you wear, what you eat, where you go, where you study abroad, how tall you are, what shoes you wear, how much Nesquik you drink.]

2. (l o v e y o u r self) 
[genuinely. love your watch with the chipped paint, the two tones hair with roots and faded orange. love your too loud voice, how you drink your coffee, how you hold the pencil]

3. \\// love others //\\
[boldly, fearlessly, courageously, even when they do not reciprocate or understand]

play the music {loud} and absorb it. 
chipped nail polish is unprofessional and annoying, take it off.

Once I was coaxed into jumping off of a rope swing. It changed my life for a little while. 
I need more rope swings, more leaping. 
I'm realizing this as I go along, that life is just a lot of leaping around, sometimes crashing into the embankment and getting scraped, sometimes skimming the surface then plunging far out. 

Today was the hell of all hellish Mondays. 
I am so thankful it's over, and that all day I was quietly comforted and affirmed, and carried.

I need to stop being afraid of everything. 
I need to love who I am who I am who I am. 

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