It's been awhile, blog-o-sphere. I've been meaning to post something for a long time, and I definitely have half a dozen drafts saved of said intended post.
But here I am! For real. Let's begin with a list!
1. Where the heck have I been?! Good question. If you were asking. There's no one word answer, but just to name a few...This semester I (and three others) are creating a short film. So the past month or so has been filled with planning + shooting said film. Along with my own film, I shot for a friend's film. On top of creating films, a good amount of my time has been spent watching films (Gravity, 12 Years a good) for classes and just because (studying film means you watch alot of it, the end). Along with all that good film stuff, I have three other classes of paper-writing-lecture-attending-etc. And sleeping. And lots of random let's-go-do-this fun stuff (seriously, spontaneity is the best)
2. Okay cool, well this has been a really lame list. Mostly because I can't think of anything else to write in it, except what I've been up to. This semester is full and busier than any other. But I am so in love with what I'm learning, the friends I'm spending it with, and the place I am.
Sunday Favorites? Alright.
Favorite thing to do (lately) - be behind the camera, shooting or snapping photos.
Favorite song? - No, artist, is Keaton Henson, especially over the past few days. It's been cold and pretty dreary. His songs are melancholy but oh so perfect for the weather.
Favorite food -
Cinnamon Chex, oh my goodness. I've given up on cooking since I'm going home in a few days for Thanksgiving, so I've (literally) been living on this stuff for the past week.
Favorite drink -
Alright, I have a few. Gusto's honey cinnamon latte is prime. But sometimes all I really want is vanilla chai from starbs. OR, if I'm stuck at school, the coffee place here makes a real good peppermint mocha latte (and I hate mint flavored things)
Favorite wear -
Bean Boots, praise be to my dad who got them for me for Christmas a few years ago. AND...beanies.
and wool socks.
Favorite -
I have no more creative categories. But My favorite other things are apartment life, mountains, picking people up from the airport (!!!), rainy days, and nail polish.
I'm so excited to go home and be home and rest, and clean, and see my favorite people, and do thanksgiving with just my family, and just have a break.
That's all. If you made it here, you get a gold star!
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