Tuesday, January 7, 2014

winter, paleo, and wilderness

Let's be honest, I suck at this blogging thing. But here's an ever always feeble attempt to keep it up!

What's new? Well. I've wrapped up my first half of junior year (?!!?!?!?!?!), with a pretty good GPA (for myself anyways), and 2 short films under my belt. This semester felt good, it felt like I grew alot, and I have at least some idea of what direction I'd like to go.

Since being home I've been working nonstop it feels like. But money is money. And there has been a good amount of fun stuff too. This past weekend I went back to camp for a mini reunion with the staff. I think BBC is even more beautiful in the winter time...

Other than that? Well, I am 2 weeks away from turning 21 (WHAT.EVEN). I love ice skating. Oh! I'm doing paleo for this month. Basically, I eat only what paleolithic people would have eaten (fruits, meat, veggies, nuts) It's a lot more challenging that I had thought. I started on Monday, this is day 2. So far I've discovered that coffee can be taken with cinnamon and honey, rather than cream and sugar. And, well...nothing can replace milk. Nothing. 
But I'm excited to see how this helps/changes how I feel. I've heard nothing but good. 

So I guess that's it! Another semester begins next week. I am living with a whole new batch of girls, but I'm excited. Optimistic...hopeful for this semester. Spring semester is always challenging but so good, and I'm really excited for some new opportunities I have coming.


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