Sunday, March 23, 2014

3am processing of a day (mind the grammatical errors)

9There's something about laying down and being still after a long day of moving and being and speaking and seeing. When you let out a breath and you can feel all you've done in your bones, each sighing relief to finally be put down for rest. That is where I am. (well, almost).

I am an extrovert by force- I am afraid to be left alone with my thoughts most of the time, so I choose to be extroverted instead. It works, most of the time. But today was full of crowded spaces. I climbed onto a train car which all at once it seemed to fill with people. And I switched trains and briskly walked through crowded subway stations and stair cases. So there was that.

And then we went to the movie theater, almost missing the showtime, but not missing anything at all. There's two ways to watch films, alone, and in a full theater. This was the latter, which I like, especially today. We saw The Grand Budapest Hotel, the latest and greatest of Wes Anderson. I was annoyed at the reviews, because they only spoke of how "Wes Anderson-y" the film was, and not actually about the plot of the film. Therefore, I had no idea if I was about to see a good and stylized film, or just a stylized film.

In the theater, you're all watching a movie together, you're experiencing a work of art together. It's sort of like going to a museum and seeing the same exhibit. Everyone sees it differently, and everyone laughs or scoffs or cries or clenches their teeth at different parts. It's magical. This film was good- it was the type of movie theater where you could tell everyone was enjoying it. It was exactly what I had hoped it would be, and then some. We clapped at the end of it. It was worth the kind-of-journey it was to get there.

And then we left the movie theater. There's a kind of optimism I get when I walk out of a good film, like I can do anything in the world, and it will look beautiful, and be a good story (or if it's something like Spy Kids, I assume that I can just be a spy kid...anyways...). We went into this diner type place and ordered frappes and pancakes at 4 in the afternoon. It was strange and the best at the same time- something seems so quirky and lovely in the blogosphere of social media, when in reality I sipped and ate and left feeling sickly, filled with pumpkin pancakes and peanut butter frappe.
We (they) (we, and they) talked about the movie, and family traits, and then world news sort of things, which left me feeling so ignorant, like really pathetically unaware of anything happening. I was reminded of this quote I saw which says "we are drowning in information but starved for knowledge"-this has never felt so true in my life than it did in this moment. In general I've been feeling that a lot lately.

The diner was crowded, with people and with things. This diner was just covered in random decor, some of it too strange to look at for too long, and some of it just confusing, but it was plentiful and multi (clashing) colored and everywhere. And there were people on all sides. I guess I'm exaggerating, but caught up in all of this, it was crowded. Crowded.

So then we walked and walked for a ways and it was cold, but the sun was deceptively shining, and the snow was mostly gone, so I wanted it to feel like spring. Finally we got to the T station and went down (to encounter, yeah, more people). We took silly jumping photos which didn't turn out, and then took two polaroids, and I had to explain the device to an asian woman wearing fake eyelashes.

We rode the train home, and drove the car home. Home being a funny word here, just meaning our apartment for the semester. We watched Frozen, and I was left unsettled, thirsting for more developed characters, but satisfied at the film's conclusion.

Days like today I feel like God took special care in placing people in my life.
And it was emotional and frantic at times, and so exhausting but worthwhile.

I live in a beautiful place with beautiful people, and I'm not very good at writing on a blog, or expressing what I am thinking with words such as these, but I'm thankful, for days like today. For stupid polaroid selfies (not stupid, beautiful and hilarious) and dragon fruit vodka and "Get your hands off my lobby boy!"

Damn grateful. Thanks Lord, for answered prayers this week, showing me that You love me. 

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