Things I'm loving lately:
Chacos (and the itty bitty beginnings of a Chaco tan!)
Hammocks, oh dear Lord, Praise the LORD for hammocks. All day every day this summer, I can't freakin' wait.
Instax photos (but not dropping your instax camera on the gym floor at an 80's themed dance)
CAMP, man oh man I can't wait. I'm not gonna make enough money and Lord knows it's gonna be a new challenge, just like the first time around, but I'm so excited for it. Love that community of love.
Having long hair.
THE OH HELLO'S. The freakin' best.
The anticipation of Easter, and spring right now.
Making lists of things I'm thankful for, even journaling I'm growing to love.
Drinking, as in going out and getting a glass of peach sangria with dinner type drinking. 21 is good.
Friends. My sweet and wonderful friends who make pie at 1am, bust moves at 80's themed dances (and dress up for them), drink starbucks and dwell in hammocks, who watch beautiful movies when we should be writing papers, who take shameful selfies in front of ice cream places. These are the days I want to remember always. I won't remember skipping my lit class, but I will remember crying in the kitchen over letters and loss with a dear friend. I won't remember a good night's sleep, but I will remember apple pie and blue moon and walking home at 2:30.
(Though, I am paying for all this fun with a few days of work ahead of me. Hmmph)
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